September 27, 2024


Waste not ~ want not: it's one of those little rules, a good one, to live by.  I try to do so ... like if'n there a little bits of food on the sides of my bowl, or if any happen to fall to the floor, well, I lick them up.  No wasting good food, not me!  Less clean up for mine Mommy, too!  And I'm very good about not kicking my litter out of the litter box.  Oh, I stir 'n' paw it all around very efficiently but kicking it outside where she'd have to sweep it away, that would be wasteful, right?  If it's still good litter, it should stay in the box.

So, not long ago when mine Mommy wasn't posting on my bloggie cause she was trying to set up her new "windows" thing, I had some of my post pictures all ready to go!  But go they did not!  I do plan ahead you see.  So, they're still there in my September folder and I said to myself, don't waste them ... and ...

Today I thought I'd go ahead and share them.  After all, what else would I do with them ... it's Feline Friday (and I'm a feline) and it's Flashback Friday (so it's okay to flashback) ... here's what I would have posted if I could have posted ... meow!

For CATURDAY ART, September 14

For MEOW LIKE A PIRATE DAY, September 19

For CATURDAY ART, September 21

For the Autumn Equinox, September 22



September 26, 2024


June at 6-months in her new home.

In early October 2020, when I was 6-months old,
 I came to my new home, my forever home.
I was adopted from Animal Allies Rescue Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland.

It was a new home for mine Mommy, too.  She had just moved to Baltimore one month earlier.
And in March of 2020, the WHO had declared Covid-19 to be a worldwide pandemic.
Mine Mommy chose me.  Chose me without ever seeing me, meeting me,
or holding me.  That's very special.

I meowed I was lucky to have her.  She said she was blessed to have me.
For a very, very long time ~ it was just us, the two of us.

Here we are, four years later, I'm not quite as shy as I used to be,
though it's hard sometimes when new people come around, 
but I'm happy I have a forever home, 
I'm happy I was adopted.


September 25, 2024

September 24, 2024


Just one week from now ...
Seven days from now ...
168 hours ...
10,080 minutes ...
and 604,800 seconds ...
Zoolatry ends ...

~ Boolatry begins ~

September 23, 2024


Meow!  Hello!
I ate extra cookies 'n' treats.  And hid in the closet a lot.  A whole lot.
Had more window whiffing time.  A wholabunch of naps.
I did miss being here.
I did miss visiting all of you.
I'm sure I missed a lot of fun stuff, too ...

... oh, it feels good to stretch ...
awww ... y"aww"n ...
I wonder if I remember how to do my bloggie after all this time,
I think I need to consult a manual.
Mostly I need to whap mine Mommy for keeping me away from my friends for so long.

September 18, 2024

"WINDOWS" vs windows

My feeble attempt to introduce a bit of humor into our shared "Windows" experience (September 12 and again on September 17) appears not to have been all that clear.

JUNE has some very nice, high up, 16th floor, windows that she enjoys ... when not hiding in the closet to escape my stress and frustration and earlier mentioned bad, bad werdz (the place where she also found one or two of her own delish little bugs, by the way).

On the other paw, I, her Mommy, have been struggling, sans humor, to upgrade the "Windows" operating system on our computer.  Oh, it downloaded easy enough, fast and thoroughly.  And most of what I had before, for years and years, was still there.  Some new goodies were there, too.  Not that I wanted those new goodies, or have any intention of ever using them, and little bugs I didn't want and June wouldn't eat.

I'm an "oldie", would like to say an "oldie goldie" purrhaps.  A bit set in my ways.  I do what I do in my way. Willing to change, to grow, but only in small steps ... like that old "Mother May I?" game played in childhood.  A baby step, not a giant leap!  

So, discovering that some of my favorite and most used tools ... those used daily to design and create June's Zoolatry blog posts were GONE ... gone, girl, gone ... was a bit disturbing.  And disturbing is a really big understatement.  As June will attest, a lot of bad, bad werdz could be heard all the way from the 16th floor to the street below!

The moral of this story?  None really.  Well, maybe the old buyer beware.  Or buyer prepare.  We continue to work, which means downloads of other software, tweaking this and that, searching hidden files, going where no (wo)man has gone before ... 

Until then, no posts.  No visiting friends blogs.  No commenting.  And that is the real "Windows" story.

Comments off.

September 17, 2024


 Meow.  I came out of hiding just long enough to let you know I am alive and well.
I have deaded a few bugs found in the deepest recesses of my closet,
where I've stayed well hidden (except for meal times) over the past several days. 

Here, on the top floor of my cat tree, where I rarely go,
 I can see that "she", mine Mommy, has been working furiously on this "window" thing.
Now, I really can't explain it all, as I can see just fine through my window.  

But she's moaning-and-groaning about doing some "windexing" whatever that is ~ 
then she said well, that's cleaning-up all the things she doesn't like, 
all the spots 'n' creepy crawlies and stuff
that is here or there or where it shouldn't be
 or wasn't there before or whatever and 
stuff that used to be there but now it isn't there, and ...

I'm thinking it's maybe like those few bugs I found in the deepest
recesses of my closet?  Ya think maybe?
All I know is this kitty girl is going back into hiding for awhile longer,
where it's quiet, safe, stress free.